Wednesday, July 06, 2005

New to PPS

5xmom and twinsmom both encouraged pinging to PPS. It was new to me. I registered some time ago, haven’t used it yet.

OK, since they both preached for PPS, I’m giving it a try today. Actually I am not quite sure I really want traffic or not… must be something good, otherwise people will not be whoring for traffic (as said by 5xmom).

But the thought of it is kind of scary too. Sure or not you want so many people reading your blog??!! Anyway, got traffic is still better than no traffic lah! :D


sqkiki said...

I just done it! ...but now I confused liao..gotta consider again...

But i think ur blog can try to ping..hehe..

Suzette said...

msau/jason: I just did it! Not sure what will it bring? Will it bring new (stranger) readers? Or maybe no response at all - no body is interesting in my posts!!! :p

Yoong Family said...

just do it! you won't regret it... said...

Chewah, hear the Neophyte of the Year's word. Just do it!

I am so happy to see msau and your blog PING-ed. It gives more voice to mothers, you know? And working women who are mothers. Whatever la.

Suzette said...

simon: NIKE ker? ;)

5xmom: what? 'working women who are mothers'? :D :D

Kamigoroshi said...

Think about it this way. PPS is a community. Some people will read and some people won't. But at the end of the day...those that keep coming (and there will be people who will because they discovered it through PPS), will come because they read and like your posts for what thy are.

At the end of the day...that is what matters and that is what PPS gives.

Suzette said...

kamigoroshi/jason: thanks for pointing out. I started to feel 'shiok' seeing more traffic on my first day in PPS, and receiving comments from new readers! :D
